Thorp Air Command -

Aileron Bellcrank alignment
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Author:  jubal_sackett [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Aileron Bellcrank alignment

Looking for thoughts on aligning the bellcrank pair at the wing joint so that the pivots are collinear. Newsletter 118 has a strategy. Any other ideas?

Author:  fytrplt [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aileron Bellcrank alignment

I didn't drill the pivot bracket holes to final size until the wings were mounted together with the pins. They were skinned and riveted. The brackets were also riveted. I took a long drill and came up through the bottom to ream out the final holes. If you look at my plane today, you will find a hole at the joint on the bottom of the wing that was where I accessed the fittings. More fun is making the final adjustment to the rocker. Lots of wing on -- wing off, repeat. Then, after the first flight, you get to do it again.

Author:  Bill Williams [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aileron Bellcrank alignment

Bob beat me to it! Leave the #40 pilot holes in the bellcranks, assemble the wings, align the bellcranks, use a long #30 drill up through the bottom skin up through the bellcranks.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aileron Bellcrank alignment

I got my bell crank parts from CSA . The hole in the hub was already drilled out for the bushing . Assembled the bell cranks and with the un skinned outer wing clecoed together with the ribs/spars and joined the outer and inner wings (inner wing skinned) with the two pins and the two bell cranks "mated." I ran an AN bolt thru the two cranks/bushings and then marked the rivet hole locations for the bell crank brackets . The fit is so close I do not need the "adjusting AN bolt " on the inner bell crank . Probably 1/32nd inch of play or less ? :o OH MY !

RB O:-)

Faster and Higher

Author:  jubal_sackett [ Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aileron Bellcrank alignment

Great, Glad I posted the question.

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