I am about to show how little I know so please go easy on me I am sensitive

I have a J.P.I Classic 100 CHT/EGT monitor in C-GABY and a Lycoming O-320 E2D (160 hp), each cylinder has a bayonet mount CHT probe and each exhaust has a EGT probe (the EGT probe on cyl #2 is tits up and needs to be replaced).
On my most recent X-C (an hour each way down low in the 29c air) I saw CHT of 426 410 415 420,at 2000 ft ASL (DA about 4000 ft). Power was set at 23" and 2300 RPM, IAS (no wheel pants on) 138 kts (146 kts TAS). I had leaned to roughness and then enriched it a bit till smooth until I saw the high CHT. I went full rich but saw no reduction in CHTs (going higher to cooler air was not an option due BIG BIG headwinds up there).
I tow gliders in a Scout and even on the HOTTEST days and highest tows (4000 AGL) have never seen CHT above 420f.
I throttled back to 21" and slowed to 125 kts but this didn't make much impact on the CHT. I know the cooler air makes a big difference but usually see 380f or so with OAT of 15c as well.
You guys in the balmy south must have experience with HOT days so I'm looking for thoughts on how to lower cruise CHT to around 350f.
Thanks in advance.