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TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810
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Author:  Rich Brazell [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

As I bought my TruTrak Auto pilot from a vendor and also changed my e-mail address, I guess I never got the info about the SB for the servos and the complaints about the display in the control head.

The autopilot was bought several years ago (when funds were available) and anticipating a much sooner flying period, be that as it may, I first became aware there was a problem when I powered up the panel in the A/C and noticed the display was goofy...lines missing from letters and numbers. Almost impossible to read. Total time (since install) power has been applied to the autopilot has been about 1 hour ? I thought this was odd, so I went to the web (Vans place) and discovered 2 things.

1. There is a Service Bulletin for the servo arms screws. Reports of screws working themselves out...IN FLIGHT ! In one instance the elevator becoming jammed ! You can contact Tru Trak for a new set of screws to "fix" the problem.

2. The other problem, the one I am having with the display appears to be a supplier of the displays to Tru Trak and a manufactuer defect. I am awaiting word from Tru Trak regarding repair/replacement of the control head. The fact it is out of warranty will probably mean some type of repair fee even though it is a defect. We will see and I'll keep the group posted.

The big concern was the Service Bulletin for the servo screws.


Author:  Bill Williams [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

I've had my TruTrac back for repairs on several occasions and they have never charged me. Made several mods over the 3 years I've used it. They do take care of the customer. I understand it has a lifetime warranty.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

That's very good news ! I like to hear that kind of customer support. I just had that kind of experience with Sky Tec starters, they fixed mine for free and even paid for the shipping back to me.

Bill...did you have any display problems ?


Author:  jrevens [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

The TruTrak people are great, and I doubt that there would be any charge for taking care of the defective display, just like Bill said, Rich. The servo screw thing is no big deal to fix...take one screw out, put another one in. Out of over 12,000 servos sent out, they said they only had a few with this problem. The screw that retains the servo arm was assembled without the proper thread sealant. They now employ a NyLok screw with the built-in locking feature. It wasn't a good thing, of course, but even with the screw issue, the probablity of it coming loose was very small. The "High Torque" servos supposedly weren't affected. It's a great autopilot. What model head are we talking about?

John Evens N71JE
Arvada, CO

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

Yes the screw change out is not a big deal. I was not aware of the SB and just wanted to get the info out. I guess if you're that one guy in flight when the screw fell out and jammed the push pull thing, it's a big deal.

I have the DIGIFLIGHT II Programer and the "B" Servos. The B servos are effected by the SB the way I read it. Still waiting to hear from TT.


Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

Just got word from Lucas at TT regarding the display on my control head. Even though it is out of warranty (3 years) the defective display is covered and they will repair it free of charge. [:D] When they return the repaired head they will also include the screws for the servo arm bulletin. This is the kind of customer service I remember from the "good old days !" Kind of like the old Sears and Roebuck...Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back !. No questions asked, no real time limit when you could bring it back. Try that today and you'll look like the Village Idiot ! [:p]


Author:  BlackOPS [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810


I just purchased the Trutrak engine module, probes, and Wi-Fi module so I can use my iPad as the display for EMS system. They were very helpful and provided me with all associated parts and prices for the items I'd need. They seem to be very customer oriented.


Author:  chuck [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810


I'm pondering this winters project/upgrade and I'm thinking an autopilot. I looked at the past posts in the archives and appears the Trutrak is the auto pilot of choice. Can someone give me a little direction on the best model for our bird.



Author:  hurant [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

I haven't gotten that far yet but Dynon has an auto-pilot that connects to their glass cockpit instrument.

Author:  chuck [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810


It's been a while and hope all is well. I purchased a Tru Trak (Altrak)and researched the archives for fabrication of mounts and installation location. Does anyone have any pictures of their installation and words of wisdom on fabrication of a mount?



Author:  Rich Brazell [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

Check Bill Williams photos. I installed my Tru Trak 2 axis AP almost exactly the same as Bill's w/o seeing his photos. Not many other ways/locations to put in the servos ? Just be sure they don't go over center during the travel. Try to keep the actuator arm and the push rod in line as much as possible. You will notice a slight "heavy feel" to the flight controls when you do your pre flight due to the servo drag. I bought my color coded servo wire from Stein Air and made my own harness. I thought I had pics of my install ? I'll look again.


Author:  chuck [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

Thanks Rich found the pics. If you find yours "hit me" with them.


Author:  davem [ Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

I have both the Pictorial Pilot (2.25"--no longer sold) and the Altrak altitude hold with climb and descend dial. Both work great. TT provided some very good installation pictures for the servos. I located my servos in the same locations as they indicated, but my mount for the pitch servo was a bit modified to better fit in my plane--sorry I don't have a picture however. The roll servo is a snap to install in a Thorp. I too used the bundled color coded wire cables from Stein air, and made my own cables to length.

I have to say that the Pictorial Pilot (roll control) is nice, but I don't use it much, even on cross countries. It wants to follow the GPS line, and I like to deviate one way or another (particularly around the restricted areas that may be in my path). But I probably use the altitude hold function on almost every flight, even short ones going to some hamburger outing or fly-in. If my budget was limited, I would put an altitude hold in long before the autopilot. I also like the dial for ascending and descending.

Author:  chuck [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

So is it safe to assume that everyone has manufactured their own mounting hardware? I'm waiting to here back from TT regarding any mounting hardware they now manufacture for the T18. The website says they are always updating with new aircraft installations.


Author:  chuck [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  TruTrak Auto Pilot Servo SB#060810

I should give you more information. I purchased the Altrak with DSB-b servo from an RV7 pilot who upgraded and I didn't get any mounting hardware.


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