Thorp Air Command -

Dumb question but here goes....
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Author:  Ryan Allen [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Dumb question but here goes....

I dont know which type fuel sender I have. I don't know if its resistive or capacitive. Can anyone tell just by looking at the picture if its a resistive or capacitive fuel sender? If it helps, there's only 2 leads coming off of it. One went to the old fuel gauge and the other was to ground.

I appreciate the help.

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Fuel Sender

Author:  Stephen Peirce [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Dumb question but here goes....

Ryan, it looks like it's resistive but you need to pull it or check the part number with a miror on the mount to verify. Here's a picture of and overhead shot of mine and it resistive which uses a float.

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Put File Caption Here

Author:  Ryan Allen [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Dumb question but here goes....

Stephen, you are correct. I had the bright idea after I posted the message to call dynon who was able to confirm your assessment. He told me hook a voltmeter up to the sender and the volts should go down as the fuel level in my tanks goes down. If that happens that means I have a resistive type sender. Luckily, as I drained some fuel, the volts steadily dropped. I learned something today.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Dumb question but here goes....

It looks like you have the tank in and no access panel on top of the fuselage skin over the sender ? If you ever take the tank out, put in an access panel. Not difficult and only took me a couple of hours to do it during the building process. I have already taken the access panel off to re-calibrate my sender, even though I thought I had it calibrated before I put in the tank. Best 2 hours I ever spent putting in that cover ![;)]


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