Thorp Air Command -

Ambassador duties.
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Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Ambassador duties.

A young man named Paul Baker will be lurking around here asking some question - I'll let him give you his bonafides, but will leak that he is a newly minted Viper driver....whatever 0-320 powered T-18 he buys will have to be comfy.....we all know viper drivers are used to flying jet powered lazyboys with cup holders, oxygen cocktails and television screens, as well as a built in estrogen unit telling them to "PULL OUT, PULL OUT, PULL OUT" when things get exciting...????...or maybe it's "pull up"....I ferget.....anyway, he needed some excitement, so we flew my T-18, went vertical and pushed lie........when he sings out, welcome him....Homey and I are pushing for a Tiger West demonstration squadron for weddings and bar mitzvas.

Author:  StrikerBaker [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ambassador duties.

Thanks for the intro Fraser. Had a blast on the flight; that zero-g pushover was just the adrenaline rush I needed since Uncle Sam is taking a hiatus from fueling my addiction. Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting everyone!

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ambassador duties.

Be very careful of telling where his hands have been ! :)

RB O:-)

Author:  James Grahn [ Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ambassador duties.

Welcome. The Thorp is better than that second rate fighter anyway.
Seriously, these things are a hoot, and cheap. You won't regret owning one.

Author:  fulcrumflyer [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ambassador duties.

James Grahn wrote:
Welcome. The Thorp is better than that second rate fighter anyway.
Seriously, these things are a hoot, and cheap. You won't regret owning one.

C'mon Cubes. We all know you secretly envied Viper pilots. We never had to fly with a mouth-breathing WSO. While the Thorp is fun, I'd take a Viper any day over the T-18.


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