When I first bought my airplane it had recently been converted back to an aircraft engine so I had a couple of bugs to work out. The first was a failed tach cable because of how it was routed. The builder knew the cable routing was a factor because he had attempted to overcome the issue by using 90 degree cable adapters. Having dealt with tach cable issues in the past I took the easy way out and went digital with an MGL E1 and a rpm sensor mounted in my only mag. It has worked great so far. The only gyro in the airplane is an unlit electric turn coordinator. After making a night x-country flight last summer, I decided it might be nice to have an attitude indicator too and settled on the Garmin G5. The G5 is a sweet instrument. It does way more than I needed for about the same money as a standalone attitude indicator. In fact, I think the rest of my original flight instruments may end up on ebay to pay for the Garmin. A couple of weeks ago I pulled the fuel tank to make some other modifications and went ahead an connected everything I could to the E1 except the manifold pressure (I haven't bought a sender for it). I don't know if it is good or bad but now I have a panel with 17 gauges/instruments
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but am only using 6
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giving me a lot of new real estate available to fill with new gadgets.