Thorp Air Command -

C/S Prop Spinner Alternative
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Author:  leewwalton [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  C/S Prop Spinner Alternative

I've mentioned this on a couple of posts already but here's a visual. If any of you guys out there with C/S props are sweating the "spinner issue" here's your alternative.

Thorp Spinner on left, Twin Comanche on right.

The Thorp spinner is 12.75 in dia, the PA-30 spinner is 12.85 so you are dealing with a tiny size difference. Also the PA-30 sits about 1/8" farther forward, which for me is no big deal as my cowl/spinner clearance was minimal.

The first time I saw this on a Thorp was Ken Knowles second airplane (now owned by Doug Shinn). Personally I think it complements the airplane as well as the original spinner and the good news ... there's plenty of them out there.

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