Unclerap wrote:
Good question. Original plan was for end of Oct, that is obviously going to slip for the Cert units and therefore will slow down the process for the group buy, which will impact us experimental types. Current group buy is over 200 BACers, so I'm pretty sure we have uavionix attention. Also, you need to read up on the Garmin lawsuit. So far there has not been a TRO issued, so the units are still shipping. Still I'm in for a Tailbeacon for the Thorp and a wingtip beacon for the Citibria
Binder wrote:
Unclerap wrote:
The discount will exceed the $50 membership a bit. Currently about 150 musketeers on the group buy list. In reality the difference between the membership and discount will only be a couple hundred at best. Just pay retail and you won't have to wait for the group buy delivery schedule.
My delivery schedule is just having it before 2020 so that's not an issue. Do they have any timeline as to when the order might go in? Will it be within a month, by end of year? Just trying to get a timeline so I can get everything set up and in the group.
I read up on it and unless there uavionix is lying about their info it appears to be a frivolous lawsuit. Maybe garmin is just trying to burn up uavionix's money in court out of spite or something. Garmin has yet to produce any patent info on frequency "sniffers". All their systems use cables to send information not remote transmission.
Even if there is data supporting it I'm not sure the lawsuit would make units shipped invalid or obsolete except future service and warranty if uavionix goes bankrupt.
And they wonder why there is no innovation and advancement of aviation. Giants like this that keep prices ridiculous and try to snuff out any new comers that could reduce costs and get more people into aviation.