Jeff J wrote:
How does your tailwheel position look in relation to mine? Mine figures out to 213.8" from a nose datum. In addition to control throws, has your spinner, engine model or engine mount ever been changed. If it has or the original w&b did not account for variations then simply dropping a plumb bob from the spinner will give you bad measurements although the difference shouldn’t be enough to give you the excessive landing speed. To verify a nose datum it must be measured forward from a fixed point on the airframe to find it.
I have same spring but scott 3200 assembly so it looks slightly different in that respect.
I did all of my measuremens off of the wing leading edge at the fuselage which should be exactly to plans. Per plans it is 55" from plans datum at spinner. Using the wing removes the issue of changed prop or spinner since the build.
Fytrplt, I think bob highley said something about moving my stops at the fly in yesterday. He thinks I need to increase my travel for the stops. I did find that I wasn't close to maxed on my trim. I had full fuel and single pilot yesterday and I just held my trim down quite a bit longer to give more rear stick. My motor is dead slow on movements so I think I wasn't getting it far enough back. My plans are microfische so I haven't had a way to look through them to make adjustments. Since my w&b is within the envelope I'm not too worried about it and just have to trim for a longer period before getting to final approach. Seemed fine at KY dam when doing this. It's more pitch than I need on final so I just hold a little front pressure with more up trim then in the flare I have plenty of room to pull the stick back.