Thank you for the input
I found the following links and threads
Looks like japanese automotive is the way to go
Dave Over-Voltage Protector
monitors the voltage on the main bus (or anyplace), lights a panel-mounted warning LED when the monitored voltage rises above 16.2V for more than 200 mS and politely opens (disconnects) the alternator field circuit or B+ contactor (or whatever). A user-supplied over-ride switch (wired to E-BUS+ or battery bus) will reconnect the circuit, and if held in will even keep the circuit on ... 510&page=3 ... hp?t=32831 ... php?t=5841 ... IC_ID=5928 ... hp?t=45843 ... php?t=2884 Alternator Modifications
The following paper was submitted to the for consideration of a technique
that reconfigures an automotive alternator to
conform with traditional aircraft philosophy for
alternator control and over voltage protection.