jrevens wrote:
Hi Ryan,
If you disconnect the D Sub, do all the readings go to -85? Maybe it's a broken connection on that one probe - that's what it sounds like.
that's a good idea John. i'll check that.
Fly wrote:
I've got a D-10 EMS I'm wiring up for my plane. I believe they are identical besides the display size. Without the EGT probes connected my unit displays -42 for the EGT. (CHT's indicate about 450) I think you may have a loose pin in the connector or bad connection somewhere between the connector and that probe.
If you don't have any luck with the wiring, call tech support at Dynon and they will be able to point you in the right direction.
That's good info Marshall. it gives me a good point of reference. it backs up what John said too.