Thorp Air Command -

KVIS Gathering 2014!!!
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Author:  Brent Schultz [ Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!


So it still on for this weekend Sept 26? My Brother Chris and I just may bring N327SB our for a quick run out and back from Corona airport on Saturday only to stretch her legs a little. Been an absolute bore flying in designated practice area. We are just over our 40 hours and we have been lookin for a Thorp event so everyone can see our new bird and get to see some of you guys in person.

Brent Schultz


Author:  dan [ Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Just point it south and come ahead Brent, we will be flying out on Saturday for lunch but probably wont be leaving until about 10:30-11 or so. Some will be in on Friday 26th and then some on Saturday morning. We would love to have you come and show us the new bird. There are airports dotted all along your route as soon as you get over into the Valley should you need to put down for an adjustment. Myself and Ira will be at the airport early on Friday morning and will be there all day. Dan

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Well, I'm officially calling out for this weekend - the winds going there will be too brutal - 40-60 facial all the way and I don't relish that over all those big rock immovable pointy thingys in the way...especially the Sierras. Getting back would be a struggle as well with T-Storms for half the route and not many places to put down if necessary. Enjoy folks and be safe out there!!

Author:  Brent Schultz [ Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Update from the Schultz Brothers. We are bringing both our Thorps. N6CM and our new Thorp N328SB. Also bringing an RV friend. I am hearin we are flyin in a four ship gaggle up to KVIS. Should arrive in the afternoon.

Brent Schultz



Author:  Brent Schultz [ Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Lou, did Chris call you about flyin up Friday??

Author:  bfinney [ Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Unfortunately I must pull the plug on this weekends adventure. One, I have a couple of nagging maintenance issues on the airplane that I haven't resolved yet. Two, we have life get in the way again and need to stay home. Three, the weather tomorrow morning is looking a bit iffy here in Seattle. If it was just #3 I would wait until the morning to make a decision. Sorry to miss the party.

Author:  Lou [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

I’m #4 of the four ship from Corona and San Berdo - do. I just want to say that I am not responsible for the, not- a- Thorp.

Author:  Brent Schultz [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Hey Lou,

Its was fun flying with you up to KVIS Friday and over to Oceano with the T-18 gaggle on Saturday. Your buddy that tagged along did a video of Chris and I flying our birds. Could you you have him send it over to me at I'd appreciate it.

To the rest of the gang at KVIS.....Dean, Ira, Paul, Howard, Tony, etc., etc....its was great getting together and talkin about Thorps. God bless all you guys and see you soon.

Brent Schultz


P.S.. And Ira, thank you so much for the great dinner and drinks Friday night. If you come down our way let me know so I can do dinner for you guys. Take care and happy landings!!

Author:  James Grahn [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Sorry I missed it

Author:  Brent Schultz [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Here's a shot on the way up with Chris and Lou with a 320 and 360 Lycs chasing down 290 Thorp on way up to KVIS from KAJO.

Author:  Lou [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Made it back easy peasy. Jethro and I had a swell time. Thanks to the KVIS crew for another great event.

Author:  leewwalton [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

No pics fellas?!?

Author:  irapilot [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Hey Brent, glad you and Chris made it back safely, looking forward to having you guys back again next year if not sooner, had a great time.
Lou, thanks for making it to kvis also, hope you had a good time, let Jethro know it was nice having him here also.
Take care, C-ya soon

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

115RX back on the ground at KSEE


Author:  dan [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KVIS Gathering 2014!!!

Well, KVIS 2014 just went into the history books! I am glad to here all got home safely and had a good time. Our activities this year included a Flyout to the coast, and speed way racing on Sat night if you chose to be a spectator. Good Food at Iras house on Friday night special thanks to Missy and Gena for the Viddles. We now have new found friends south of us, Chris, Brent , AL and Jethro thanks for coming up and having a weekend with us guys !! I believe we had 12 birds total not to mention some that drove in for a visit. We had 75deg temps and some rain early Sun morn, but all went well even the Pizza on sat night at the EAA patio was good. There were some Pics taken Lee, I downloaded the ISO 8 on my I pad and it darn near rendered it useless. I just hope this gets posted........Tony, could you try mailing those pics you took to me again or post them or both? Thanks to all for comming....Dan

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