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iPad in the cockpit
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Author:  James Grahn [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  iPad in the cockpit

Just bit the bullet and bought an IPad. I used Foreflight last week to go to PTV and back. Way cool. Still learning the program. First question for the computer geeks in the crowd, how do I travel across this country and not run the battery down? I flew 1.5 hours and lost 20 percent of the juice. Granted, I was in full tracking mode - flying the little F22 down the course line.

Author:  leewwalton [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

mount a cigarette lighter plug up under the panel (where no one can see it cuz they're ugly), go buy a car adapter cord, and then just plug it in.

Author:  dan [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

Hi Jimmy, that I pad is something else ain't it. I have the adaptor that Lee mentioned. I can get in the cockpit with 50 percent in the I pad, the DC system in the plane will have at full charge in 10-15min while I am using it for navigation. It will stay at full charge while being hooked up to the lighter jack and in use at the same time. I just purchased the wing X Pro after using the 30 day trial,it is recognized by the Feds as being viable charts as it is always up dated. All of the Apps are great,that I pad is a fantastic cockpit instrument, I have learned how to use it and in a very short while it spoiled me rotten. I pop the thing out of slider and bring it home and use it for e mail, I'm using it now. If I can help you 559-686-4588"...........Dan

Author:  david read [ Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

Turn off the cellular data and wi fi while you are flying, I can't get a reliable signal up there anyway. The GPS will still work and it isn't wasting battery trying to find a signal. The cigarette lighter adapter needs to put out close to 2 amps or it won't do a very good job charging the iPad. I found most of this out the hard way but I feel it is a very handy tool in the cockpit.

Author:  Fla-T18 [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

My plans are to buy the skyradar and levil (ahrs) and get the wingxpro with synthetic vision, wham! Gotcha a beautiful glass panel with iPad !

Author:  James Grahn [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

Thx for all the replies.
David, how do you turn off the cellular data? Is that airplane mode?

Author:  david read [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

No, I believe airplane mode will turn off the gps too. Go to the settings page and just below airplane mode is wi fi, click that and move the slider off. Same for cellular data. Test it on the ground. Some have said the gps won't work with the cellular data off but mine and a couple others I know work fine that way.

Author:  James Grahn [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: iPad in the cockpit

Yep. I tried airplane mode and it did shut off the gps. Just found the cell data block you talked about. Will try that next. Very cool device. Thanks for the reply.
See you in F-berg.

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