Thorp Air Command -

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Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  SEDONA 2023

After some careful thought Sil and I have decided to drop out of planning any future Sedona Fly In events . Several points we considered were...

1. Lake of affordable rooms close to the airport . The Sky Ranch Lodge was for many years an affordable, close and easy to work with securing group room rates . This is not longer the case.
2. Trying to obtain suitable and affordable meals in town that can accommodate a large group (with separate checks) has become increasing difficult .
3. Transportation . With the Sky Ranch Lodge transportation was almost a non-issue . You could walk to the flight line and the hotel van would take us and pick us up from town . There were also one or two people with personal cars that help out also . Sil would pick up a pax van after flying into PHX and drive to SEZ and us the van to shuttle people and pick up supplies in town . The cost of rental cars/vans has sky rocketed making this option pricey even for a retired Naval Aviator !
4. The Brazell's really don't want to get into the business of arranging a group rental . I had that experience my first visit to OSH !!
5. After 10 years of Sedona planning and organizing we feel it is time to pass the torch to someone that will have some fresh new ideas or even another site for a Western US Fly In !

RB and Sil

Author:  Knife [ Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SEDONA 2023

There are two lodges in Monument Valley now I believe....

Author:  Hagle347 [ Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SEDONA 2023

Rich, Thanks for the years of planning the Sedona Event. For those of us that were able to attend - it was truly memorable. The top memory for me was to be able to chat with Ken Knowles after numerous decades. I know many Thorps out there are flying with parts provided by Ken and Gerry. Additionally, like other resort areas - Sedona has changed, is now on the map and prices reflect that.
I have no doubt that another venue will be sourced out west. Thanks again for all of your effort.

Blue Skies,


Author:  James Grahn [ Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SEDONA 2023

Ditto what Terry said. Thanks for the memories. We will figure something out.

Author:  ljkrume [ Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SEDONA 2023

Didn’t realize how ling it’s been since I logged in… Yeah, thanks so much Rich n Sil for the Sedona fly—ins. Best times I’ve had with the Thorp. Really.

Congrats to you fellas on the cover of Sport Plane too!

Les Krumel, Albuquerque

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