Jim: As you are likly aware Lycoming Service Instructions No. 1414B and No. 1275C cover cleaning dissassembly and reinstallation of the fuel injection nozzles.
http://www.lycoming.com/support/publica ... index.htmlSI 1275C discusses Fuel nozzles can become clogged with a type of varnish from old fuel or from precipitate particles that are almost invisible to the naked eye. Lycoming recommends annually to remove the restrictor from the body and to inspect, this may not have been performed for a while ~ causing this formation of varnish.
Since you are soaking the injectors in acetone as per the SI, this should soften the varnish film that is holding the restrictor to the body.
Following soaking:
1. You should be able to apply enough finger nail pressure through gloves to separate the parts to break the varnish seal. (your nails will not damage the fuel nozzle parts) The SI's states you are not allowed to use lockwire, drills etc (metal) to pry / clean these components as you will alter the fuel flow pattern.
2. Should extended soaking fail to loosen the parts you can apply some air pressure and again try to twist the parts apart.
3. Failing this you may have to concider a pnenolic block, or plastic tool to apply a jolting force to break the varnish seal.
However, additional soaking in any of the approved cleaners should do the trick.