Thorp Air Command -

Fuel Vent
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Author:  N89BJ [ Thu May 21, 2015 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Fuel Vent

Has anyone used or given consideration to this slick little fuel vent? ... -aircraft/

My main concern has to do with it not extending down far enough. Thanks.

Author:  jrevens [ Thu May 21, 2015 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel Vent

N89BJ wrote:
Has anyone used or given consideration to this slick little fuel vent? ... -aircraft/

My main concern has to do with it not extending down far enough. Thanks.

Yes - I would hope that the ram-air effect is sufficient. It would probably be in the relatively smooth boundary layer. It is a nice looking piece, but a lot of money compared to a simple piece of 3/8" tubing. It's possible that it could work even better - it would be interesting to see a test. Having a full gravity feed system, the ram-air effect is particularily important to me.

Author:  fytrplt [ Thu May 21, 2015 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel Vent

My 45 degree cut off 3/8" tube sticks down about 1/4" on the front side. Works fine. My concern with this vent is how it might complicate removal of the floor.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Thu May 21, 2015 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel Vent

Fuel Vent 003.JPG
Fuel Vent 003.JPG [ 234.75 KiB | Viewed 8619 times ]
Fuel Vent 002.JPG
Fuel Vent 002.JPG [ 280.21 KiB | Viewed 8619 times ]
Fuel Vent 001.JPG
Fuel Vent 001.JPG [ 289.3 KiB | Viewed 8619 times ]
You mean something like this ? Got it from http://www.aircraft extras .com . I do not have a gravity system but this little gizmo has been on for over 200 hours with no problems . Not sure if Aircraft Extras still makes them/sells it . They may have some old stock . I think I paid $20.00 for 2 + shipping . Looks good and stays out of the way . The aero engineers can jump in here , but I don't think it takes much positive pressure to "pump up the tank ?" Sorry it is a little "fuzzy" ??? but I think you get the idea .


Author:  N89BJ [ Thu May 21, 2015 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel Vent

Thanks John, Bob and Rich! Didn't think about floor removal but good to know this type of vent is working without issue for at least one Thorp.

Author:  dan [ Sun May 24, 2015 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel Vent

Do they come with the sharp shades?......Dan

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