Thorp Air Command -

Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?
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Author:  SHIPCHIEF [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?

N883FF has a VOR antenna in the tip of the vertical stab, just like many depicted on this site.
Right now the ship has no NAV radio. I'm thinking about removing it so I don't "put my eye out" when working back there.
If I take it off, will I pick up a few miles per hour?
What about other drag producers? My COM radio is behind the canopy, seems to communicate well, radio checked a guy over 50 miles away.
Transponder antenna is under the co-pilot seat.
Are these the best accepted locations?
Right now we use a hand held GPS and / or a GPS equipped iPad, with no intent to fly IFR.

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?

Chief - did just that over the winter - glassed in the small gap where the eye pokers protruded - did not notice any speed increase - - the comm antennae is in the right place as is the X-ponder antennae.

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?

Put the comm ant. on the bottom. 45 degree bent SS. No more black eyes ! Ground clearance is NOT a problem. My transponder is on the pilots side just aft of the gear leg. Made running the ant. wire easier. No complaints from ATC.


Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?

Rich has a good point........sometimes talking out of the bottom is more clear than the top.....:)

Author:  fytrplt [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drag Penalty for various antennae and probes?

I used to lose ATC after passing the station with my top mounted antenna. Probably blanked by the tail sufaces. No problem in air or ground with the bottom mounted unit. You DO need to be mindful when crawling under to clean the belly, however.

My xpondr ant is located under the pax seat near the center. I have had some isssues with ATC when low and in close. Gear fairings block signal. Recommend placing it farther back and to one side.

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