Here's my version of the flap actuation slot seal,
I use a piece of 1" thick foam, don't know what kind it was left over from a previous project. I made a template from the flap drawing -632L
IMG_0384.JPG [ 1.09 MiB | Viewed 13815 times ]
The aft portion is just stuffed up into the end of the flap by moving the flap as far down as posible, it's held in by friction, in six years I haven't lost any parts yet.
IMG_0385.JPG [ 739.36 KiB | Viewed 13815 times ]
I had to remove the wing-body faring to get access to the nose of the flap and stuffed the front portion in.
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Flap fully retracted.
IMG_0405.JPG [ 932.58 KiB | Viewed 13815 times ]
Does it work? yes it slowed down the amount of air coming in but I believe the majority of air is entering via the spar box from the wing root.
So far in my quest to reduce the amount of cold air in the cockpit the most effective was to place a "curtain" along the side canopy rail to slow the air flowing out of the cockpit. I used "duck" cloth (thats the stuff the original duck tape was made from) and velcro to hold it in place, don't currently have any photos will have to get out to the hangar and shoot a few.