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Pros and cons of manual versus electric flaps, elevator trim
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Author:  flyingfool [ Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Pros and cons of manual versus electric flaps, elevator trim

What are the advantages (real or perceived) of manual activated flaps and elevator trim versus electric?. Reliability and weight being the first two things that came to mind.


Author:  Ryan Allen [ Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pros and cons of manual versus electric flaps, elevator

I really like the extra room created by removing the flap handle, trim system, and lowering the center tunnel.

Author:  pmandel [ Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pros and cons of manual versus electric flaps, elevator

Personally, I don't like waiting for flaps or wondering if it's all working correctly. Yank, feel the resistance, clunk into place -- an entire second, and I am at half flaps (or from half to full). No need to take my eyes off of more important stuff like pitch attitude, airspeed, glide path, traffic, etc.

Re trim, I was never a fan of electric for similar reasons, would rather turn a physical knob or rotate a wheel, but since N118BC came with electric elevator trim, it's what I've got. I would still prefer non-electric which is what my prior two T-18s had (none of which I built), but I've gotten used to it.

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