Thorp Air Command -

high shear rivets, drawing A-556
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Author:  Tony28031998 [ Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  high shear rivets, drawing A-556

Good day everyone,

I am making a list of the hardware I need to complete my project and I have stumbled onto a little problem. It says in the c0ontrol mounting drawing A-556 that I need 4 high shear rivets P/N nas177-6-13 with their cap P/N nas179-6. I have not been able to find these rivets on aircraft speuce or any website, I was wondering if you had an alternate p/n or You used something else for that specific place?



Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: high shear rivets, drawing A-556

Antoine : Yo Bro...if you are referring to the control mounting and according to the research I did on the Forum , it seems most folks are now using AN-3 hardware . I used Hi-LOK fasteners based upon the recommendation of a builder in Wash. State . I believe I got them from Genuine Aircraft Hardware , MANY , MANY years ago ! Hope this helps .

Ser. #2019

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