imag0230 Tom Steury.jpg [ 1.59 MiB | Viewed 8378 times ]
Flew into Flabob Airport this last Saturday to get my sacred tax exemption form signed off and found this T-18CW tied down on the ramp . N551CM originally build by Mr. Clark . Appears it has not flown in awhile based upon the protective layer of dust/dirt on the paint . I originally saw it at the Chino airport when I met Tom Steury and helped him remove the wings for an inspection . It appeared at KVIS one year flown by Tom and then I saw pics of it after it had been involved in some sort of ground incident and was in a salvage yard in AZ (I think ?) Hopefully some one is flying this AC , It had a big arse motor and C/S prop the last time I saw it . Anyone know who owns it now ?