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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:52 am 
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Well I have been out of the loop since Oshkosh and basically fell off the map.

I wanted to explain the reason for my disappearance.

In mid-October I went into the Dr to have a growth which was assumed to be a Bakers cyst that was getting bigger. Two dr’s agreed it was a bakers cyst which I have had for at least 5 years. I went to have it drained. They did a routine ultrasound on it. The ultrasound tech saw the growth agreed it was a bakers cyst. Then he started the ultrasound scan. Got very quiet and started taking pictures.

Radiologist came out a few minutes later and stated it was NOT a Bakers cyst and instead was a tumor of some Sort. A few days later I had an MRI and a couple days after that confirmed it was cancer!!!

Specifically it is a Myxoid liposarcoma. Which basically means (fat cancer) This is VERY rare. About 1/60th of 1% of all cancer diagnosis. It is more common in men and men between 40 and 60. Often found in the extremities mostly leg/thigh. Although in abdomen. The extremities have a much better prognosis.

I started radiation treatment in mid-December and completed 25 treatments on January 9th.

Lots of prayers have been answered. First the biopsy indicated it was “low grade” which means less chance to spread to other places. Next couple of prayers answered was both the scans of my lungs and spine (the 2 places this type of cancer Will likely spread) came back clear. No evidence of cancer!

I had surgery to remove the tumor on Feb 19th. And I am recovering well. Finally getting back to work after 3 weeks off.

Dr’s believe they got all the cancer and the pathology of the removed tumor showed the whole larger tumor remains low grade. The dr’s are very confident that the cancer has a very, very low chance if ever reoccurrence. At least locally.

I will be getting knee and chest scans every 3 months and extending time intervals for the next 5 years to monitor cancer spread/return.

So. I think you can understand my priorities over the last several months have been far removed from thorps and pretty much anything else other than study and reading a dr visits etc about my condition.

I am now finally starting to look forward with optimism. I now have to look into how having had cancer what that means to obtaining a FAA medical and/or basic med.

In order to get flying sooner, I am even considering the legal eagle ultralight. As there is at least one neighbor of mine on the airpark who is also interested in this plane. So we can build together and hopefully build faster with the synergy of two and holding each other accountable to build schedule etc

I still really want to complete a thorp. But that is a bit longer proposition. And I hope in a few years (like 3 or 4) I will retire.

I would consider buying a completed thorp preferably with wide cockpit version. But not sure my budget will allow that. I just had to buy a car as I needed a vehicle that was not standard manual transmission as my left leg is less than 100% for at least some time. So now I have a car payment we had not budgeted for at this time.

I still believe a thorp is the right mission capable airplane for us. Given the performance and economy. An M20 Mooney would also but with complex gear and prop and factory FAA certified everything and annuals etc the cost of ownership is higher than that of a simple T-18. Nothing else really comes close to the cost and performance of a thorp.

I just finally had the time and I guess mental capacity to finally wite this post to bring all you great thorp folks up to speed.

God speed. And corona virus disappearing. Hope to see all, or many of you at Oshkosh this summer! Maybe KY-Dam too!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:02 pm 
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Thanks for the update, Tom. Keep it positive, as in lift vector on the sky, and you will prevail!

Bob Highley
SN 835

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:23 pm 
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Thanks Bob.

And have been very positive, many people surprised by how I have taken this all. I figure there is only two ways. Negative or positive.

And things have all went exceedingly well and the best as could be expected at each crossroad. So I continue to be very hopeful for the future.

Facing cancer sure results in a person’s perspective of what os truly important. It comes down for me to the four F’s. Faith, Family, Friends and Flying. In that order. Notice work was NOT in that list!! And thinking of when to retire certainly moved up a few years!!! No one ever knows how many days they have left. We take that for granted unless something like this smacks a person in the face.

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