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Author:  bfinney [ Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanksgiving

To those of you in the USA that are celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday and even if you aren't. I was thinking about how to describe in one word all that I am thankful for, that word is "freedom".
- freedom to worship as we please
- freedom to choose our spouse
- freedom to choose where we live
- freedom to build and fly our wonderful aircraft
- freedom to indulge in the feast of celebration of this holiday
- etc, etc, etc,

I just hope ya'll didn't indulge too much that you put your aircraft over gross.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Author:  SHIPCHIEF [ Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanksgiving

Well Thank You Bruce;
I feel the same.
I'm working today, but I'll be off about half way thru dinner. The Transportastion industry never rests.
Still, it's been nice seeing the festive passengers on their way to visit relatives etc.
Peace be with you all, and smooth landings.

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