Thorp Air Command -

Split Airframe
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Author:  Pacer 20 [ Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Split Airframe

Since 1999 I work on all kind of Warbird. With this "EX" Military Jet I step forward on another World!
Very easy way to inspect the old Motorlet M701 Turbojet Engine.

1-put the jet in level flight condition on jacks.
2-removed the turtle deck.
3-disconnect the elevator, rudder and trim push-pull tubes.
4-disconnect electrical cannon plug.
5-disconnect the hydraulic line for the speed brakes.
6-install the tail dolly.
7-unscrew the 8 fuselage bolts.
8-removed the aft fuselage section.

For my first time I take 1,5 hour, but next time I think I take 40 minutes to removed the tail.






All pressurize bottle need to be ship for hydrostatic test. (Fire-extinguisher above, nitrogen and oxygen)
Another day at work!!!! 8)

Author:  dan [ Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Split Airframe

Wow, that's quite a kerosene burner, but they accidentally put the stabilizer on top the rudder..Dan

Author:  stevehawley [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Split Airframe

Those old jet kerosene burners look very complicated! Thank goodness for my Lycoming flat four. Those are Czech symbols on the tail. I have a Czech built Bucker Jungman C-104 that has the same markings. Probably not quite as fast though.
Steve Hawley

Author:  Pacer 20 [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Split Airframe

This Jet engine burn 3 US gallons each minute :o ......and this consommation is during economic cruise!!! The owner calculate around 200 gallons per hours. This is the third of my flying budget per year with my Pacer!!!

Now I have to take some Czech laguage lesson. Poor me ???

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