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 Post subject: Jeff J , Making My Day!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:24 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:35 pm
Posts: 5
To the Ladies and Gents of this great Thorp forum, I wanted to post a HUGE Thank You to
Jeff J.
I had posted here I wanted to see and ride in a T-18, because I am looking to purchase one soon.
I really wanted to see what this airplane was all about, up close, before purchasing one.

Jeff had pm'ed me here in the forum, and told me about a fly-in at Cushing,OK (KCUH).
He was about 25 minute flight from Cushing and I am an hour drive, which worked out very nicely.

Jeff and I met at the airport for the 1st time,
and we talked about his Tiger and others. He gave me advise what to look for when buying.My wife and I sat in T-18 just to see how comfortable it would be, and actually, be to bad.

So Now, Jeff and I jump into the aircraft and taxi'ed out to runway 18, and for a
taildragger, you can still see over the panel pretty good.
Jeff called the traffic, and pushed the throttle and down the runway we went.
This airplane climbs like a little rocket, I was very impressed this the climb rate. After get up to 3000', Jeff let me take the controls. Honestly, it did take some time to get used to this type of controls, as I had never flown a "Stick", the controls was/is VERY responsive.
You don't have to move the stick very much to get results.
After a 30-35 minute flight we landed back on runway 18, taxied around and parked.
Jeff a good Pilot and better person on this planet.
For Jeff to take time out of his day and make a stranger happy!!

To Jeff, I Thank You!! (For Making My Day)
Today, I emailed Jeff a little something just to show my appreciation. I won't tell y'all here, I'll let Jeff tell ya if he chooses to.

David-AKA DEN61

Jeff J
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:00 pm 
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Location: eastern OK
I enjoyed the opportunity to introduce you to the Thorp and I am glad meeting in Cushing worked out. It saved you a couple of hours on the road and gave me an excuse to go to a fly-in. Keep us posted on your progress.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
68x74 Sterba Propeller

"The joke in aviation is, 'If you want to make a million, you'd better start with £10m.' " -Bruce Dickinson

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