I believe that Richard's sincere attempt was to look out for fellow Thorp Group members. He had a bad experience and didn't want another member to suffer the same fate. The problem with a written forum is that it is
written. I spent a number of years teaching crew resource management, a major portion of which concerned effective communication. Only 7% of a transmitted message is verbal, the balance is tone and body language, both absent from our posts. The point is, we must be very careful when choosing our words otherwise the potential for misunderstanding and possible offence is too great.
Lee, I think you do a great job managing the forum. It's a job I don't want and I am extremely grateful that you do it, and much more. Because I'm not willing to do what you do, I think you can carry on in any fashion you choose. I'm only responding because you asked: the truth may lie in the middle of both Richard's comments and Mr Ferdon's, but Mr Ferdon's response was extremely harsh. Based on that response and Richard's stated experience, and without assigning blame, there was a problem. A reasonable action may have been to recommend that Mr Ferdon list his aircraft on Barnstormers or any other site of his choosing and delete the entire thread. The fight can be fought on another playground, not ours. Or not... I wrote that I taught effective communications, not that I was good at it.