Sorry I have been slow to post on the forums I have been active on the Facebook groups
Pearson Aviation LLC has purchased the design and manufacturing rights to the Thorp S18 and will be doing business as Thorp Aircraft.
The kit manufacturing and support will be moving to the San Antonio, TX area over the next few weeks. Our intention is to move the plans into the Solidworks CAD design software, perform additional Finite Analysis on the design, and to create the necessary NC instructions to produce as much as the kit as possible using CNC equipment to speed delivery and ensure a consistent product.
I am open to any calls and emails to discuss the transition and future of the aircraft with the community. I can be reached at 210-365-3374 and at
This is a great community of builders and owners of a truly great aircraft design. I look forward to our future together and the growth of the Thorp fleet. I did create a new Facebook group meant for the manufacturing of the aircraft, not at all as a replacement for the Facebook community group, titled Thorp Aircraft. I will also be active on the forums as well.