Filter holder 001.JPG [ 418.49 KiB | Viewed 12565 times ]
Filter holder 002.JPG [ 338.94 KiB | Viewed 12565 times ]
Filter holder 004.JPG [ 382.13 KiB | Viewed 12565 times ]
I really didn't want to spend $100
on a commercially made filter holder to hold the filter while I cut off the top , you can get them for maybe $90.00 + shipping . They are well made and should last a lifetime , but I think my $10.00 special will work just as well . I suppose you could put the filter in a plastic bag and then clamp it in a vise , but this Gizmo keeps the filter rock sold in the vise while cutting open the Easter Egg looking for a hidden surprise . Material list as follows...
1. Length of 4" ABS pipe .
2. 4" cap for the bottom .
3. 1" 3/8 6 sided socket . Probably 50 cents at the swap meet .
4. 3/8" carriage bolt . The top of the bolt fits nicely in the 3/8" square of the socket .
5. 3 wing type screws . I found them at my surplus place . 3 for $1.00 . You could probably use thumb screws ? These 3 screws hold the filter tightly in place .
6. 3 steel doubler plates for the wing screws . I happened to find them already threaded for 10-32 threads .
7. 6 miniature screws and nuts to hold the doublers in place . Again I found them at my surplus place , but you can probably get them at a model shop .
8. 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" aluminum bar stock , tapped for the 3/8" carriage bolt .
The holder will accept my Tempest 48109 filter and any oil that escapes will run down to the bottom of the holder .