Thorp Air Command -

Thorp T-18 Airworthiness Directives
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Author:  admin [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Thorp T-18 Airworthiness Directives

Note: This is a reprint from ThorpList edited by Richard Eklund.

The first 5 of these are flight critical and are mandatory! Without the mods in 1-4, the tail can flutter even at low speeds. See Newsletter 27 for complete info on tail flutter.

1. Check stabilator tabs for installation of .015 stainless steel strip (reduces flutter). DWG A-517. This mod is crucial.

2. Extra spar tube inside the horz stabilizer main spar. Probe with a thin rod and you should find the end of the inner tube extending xx inches from the centerline. Also, drill out 1 rivet on the lower side and check the metal thickness. The total thickness at the inner tube should be 0.025 skin + 0.049 outer tube wall + (.120-.049= .071) = .145 Total

3. If the stabilator does not have external

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