I first flew my T-18 on October 29, 1979. Today is the 26th. In three days I will have been flying my T-18 for 40 years! I flew it today for about 30 minutes. I include a picture of my latest project, a Bucker Jungman. This is my second Bucker restoration. I have flown this one 4 times in the last month. I have another flying plane, an Interstate Cadet that I restored in 2016. I have a Cessna 140 project to complete when I Get all the bugs worked out on the Bucker. I am 82 years old and have to many airplanes. I have decided to sell my T-18, it was not an easy choice. I use it mostly for travel and I just don’t do much traveling anymore. This is a good solid airplane but it is not by any means a show winner. The engine is a Lycoming O-360 A3A with 1430 hours since major but several good things have been done to it in the mean time. Basic VFR with panel mount GPS, intercom, and 760 channel ICOM radio. Transponder with altitude encoding but no ADSB or what ever it is called. Call or text me at 520 237 3373 or e-mail at
stevehawl@windstream.net. The price is $30,000.
Steve Hawley