Thorp Air Command -

Condition Inspection needed near Northern California
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Author:  peterjaypriest [ Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Condition Inspection needed near Northern California

My T18 will need a condition inspection by the end of May.

This is the first year I've had the airplane, so I've yet to find an A&P that is familiar with the T18, and willing to do the inspection. And my long-time A&P IA recently retired. Ugh! Anyone have a recommendation?

I'm hangared at KSAC (Sacramento, CA) but willing to fly some distance- maybe a few hundred miles - to get it done.

There are no issues with the airplane (that I'm aware of.) It's been well maintained.




Author:  chadmaisel2 [ Sat Apr 30, 2022 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Condition Inspection needed near Northern California

Find someone familiar with RVs - my guy is a builder and uses the RV4 inspection list on mine.

Author:  pmandel [ Sun May 01, 2022 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Condition Inspection needed near Northern California

My A&P/IA at Twin Oaks Airpark, Hillsboro OR, 7S3, would be a great choice. He has annualed my T-18 three times plus done a bunch of other great work. Ctc DeLynn Elrod -- look up -- I won't take my plane anywhere else.

And you're welcome to bring a sleeping bag and use my inflatable mattress at my home in Beaverton if you need to spend a night or two.

Author:  peterjaypriest [ Sun May 01, 2022 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Condition Inspection needed near Northern California


"I won't take my plane anywhere else."

That's the kind of recommendation I like! And the offer to spend the night is great too- I might explore some options, but love it that you're so welcoming!

I'll look a bit more for something local, but will reach out to your guy soon if my search fails.

Thanks a million!


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