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Terry Adams
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:39 pm 

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Unfortunately my Slick 4370 mag has reached EOL. I could have it rebuilt, buy a rebuilt, buy a new Slick, or ....go electronic. I am leaning to the SDS CPI-2 running Iridium auto plugs on one set of plugs. I will retain the Slick 4373, but also switch to 8.5mm MSD ignition leads (G3i instructions) with Iridium auto plugs. i would appreciate any comments from other users who have made the switch.

Terry Adams
N51079 Lyc 0-320-E2D Bendix horizontal injection


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:08 am 
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I like the idea of the CPI-2. I have a P-mag and it's been fine. The CPI is a newer product with more tuning options, but is not self powered.
I still run one Bendix magneto (w/o impulse coupling)
I have converted a Bendix magneto to MSD 8.5mm wires & auto plugs. Easy & fun project. The spark plugs with screw-off caps will get loose and make ignition noise, so try to get plugs with solid caps.

Scott Emery
EAA Chapter 326
T-18 N18TE

Jeff J
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:56 pm 
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I am running one P-mag as well. I kept the impulse coupler and still run aviation plugs on the mag. I think it is a big improvement over what I had. I have been thinking about getting some 18mm automotive spark plugs so I can lose the bushings but haven’t done anything yet.

I looked at the CPI-2 this morning and, while it has some nice features, I thought it looked too complicated for my tastes. I think the P-mag was an easier installation than a magneto.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
68x74 Sterba Propeller

"The joke in aviation is, 'If you want to make a million, you'd better start with £10m.' " -Bruce Dickinson

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david read
PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:35 pm 
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I have about 1100 hours on dual Pmags and Autolite 386 plugs. No bushings, plugs less than $2 each

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:09 pm 
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I run Autolite 386 plugs in the top of my O-290G conversion, fired by the P-mag.
Those 386 plugs fire totally clean, with a white insulator tip. That seems too hot, and I only run 7:1 compression ratio. It's probably best to run them on top where the coolest air is.
I have recently picked up some 18mm Champion stock #526 which is a D-15 resistor plug with projected tip. I hope these will be a slightly cooler running plug, plus the extended tip should position the spark farther into the fuel/air charge for better firing? They are cheap like Autolite 386, and available thru Summitracing etc. YMMV.
The Bendix fires aircraft plugs at the bottom.
I have been (Slowly!) rebuilding my T-18 and have been collecting Ford EDIS ignition parts and a Mega Jolt ignition controller.
I cannot use a flywheel mounted trigger wheel because My flywheel alternator pulley is the small diameter. No room for the magnetic pickup.
I bought an Electroair mag-hole mount trigger with the intention to install the correct trigger tooth configuration for the EDIS-MegaJolt.
A few days ago I started lathing down a Universal 36-1 trigger wheel from that was too big. Now that it's small enough to fit, the trigger teeth are nearly gone (!). Hmm. Experimental Aircraft are like that sometimes. :P

Scott Emery
EAA Chapter 326
T-18 N18TE

Jeff J
PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:40 pm 
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When I was talking with folks at E-Mag, it was recommended for me to run the automotive plugs on the bottom because they won’t foul as easily as the aviation plugs. I had asked specifically because the mags were originally split between top and bottom in the typical O-320 fashion. They were the cleanest bottom plugs I have ever seen at annual.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
68x74 Sterba Propeller

"The joke in aviation is, 'If you want to make a million, you'd better start with £10m.' " -Bruce Dickinson

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:52 pm 
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I run a single SureFLY e mag on mine. No complaints with aviation plugs. I will say that the “benefits” of e mags is nothing more than less moving parts. The owner of sureFLY is a friend of Gary Greens and as a result a friend of mine, he openly admits that a mag is a mag talk of lower fuel burns is just not true. FYI

Lee Walton
Houston, TX

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:19 am 
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I have a David Rose (Electroair) electronic ignition which replaces the RH mag. Originally ran 18mm auto iridium plugs (came with the kit) but now you can get the long nose REM37BY plugs that can be gapped to the required .035" I use them. Installed the system back in 1991, done about 600 hrs on it with no problems. I have replaced the plugs 2 times during that period. The plugs fired by the mag (top plugs) usually come out clean and apart from removing a bit of lead and checking the gaps they go straight back in. Great system, no moving parts and NO AD's!

Tony Schischka



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PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:19 pm 
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For the sake of others that are curious, David Read, can you hand prop on the dual pmag? I wouldn't see why not but I figured I would ask. Twice in my aviation life have I needed to hand prop due to dead battery when on a trip. Looks like the first mentioned one says it won't so that would be a bummer if running duals.

david read
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:09 pm 
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Yes you can hand prop as long as there is any power left in your battery. I also have a backup circuit to provide power if it is completely dead but they told me that a 9v battery will provide enough power to start the engine. And yes I have hand propped mine more than once.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:05 am 
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I have one of the 'Booster' Jump start batteries. It can really spin over an engine who's battery can't quite turn the engine.
That's been a better solution for me. I would rather not try a 9 volt battery and hand prop.

Scott Emery
EAA Chapter 326
T-18 N18TE

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