Thorp Air Command -

L/F for an engine dyhydrator to purchase or build
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Author:  Tim Brown [ Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  L/F for an engine dyhydrator to purchase or build

I just put the T18 to sleep before the first storm of the winter hits. I changed the oil to Phillips 20W50 inhibiting and ran it for about 30 minutes. Oil temps stabilized at 210f for 15 minutes; I had to do this on the ground :( and cylinder head temps stabilized at 240f. I also took the battery out (what a PIA!)
I swapped in the dehydrator plugs and walked away not feeling like I was doing enough.
I have seen plans for an automatic dehydrator on Vansairforce but wonder if it would survive a winter with temps at -30 or colder for a couple months. Also of course there is the issue of not having a clue how to follow the elaborate electrical diagram to build it.
I was wondering what you folks do? I know there are several of you who live and fly where it never gets cold enough to have to store the airplane but for those of us that do have to lay it up what do you do and does it include an engine dehydrator?
It will be huddled in the hanger (unheated) till April at the earliest :(

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