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Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Mon May 02, 2011 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Vernatherm

OK, so in my FWF rehab of 633PM, I'm changing out the upper oil screen on the O-320 B2A for a remote oil filter adapter - the kind that feeds with hoses a firewall mounted airwolf filter - the part I have scavenged and will mount has a vernatherm built into it - there is a vernatherm built into the case beside the previous oil screen housing - do I remove and plug the case mounted vernatherm, or can I run the engine with both?

Also, the 3/8" NPT temp sensor in the new fitting was badly cross threaded, so I am drilling it out to 1/2" and putting a 1/2"X3/8" bushing so I can re-install the temp sensor - I don't see why that would be an ishoo, but may be missing a beat somewhere - thoughts and feelings?

All the back and side baffling is trimmed and fitted - working on trimming, fitting and mounting the front 4 baffle pieces.

Author:  leewwalton [ Mon May 02, 2011 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Vernatherm

If you have what looks like a vernatherm in the case, chances are that's a viscosity valve (what they used before the vernatherm). You'll need to remove that entirely as it will interfere with the vernatherm. You pull the cap off, and remove the spring and plunger valve. Then replace the cap.

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Mon May 02, 2011 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Vernatherm

Oh good - thanks Lee - glad I asked - If only I had been this inquisitive about marriage.

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