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Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?
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Author:  Ryan Allen [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?

I too have just purchased a BN-3 spinner kit from ACS. Did you attach the forward bulkhead to the spinner, or did you only attach the spinner to rear bulkhead? I ask because I have had 2 spinners crack on me when using only the rear bulkhead attachment method. But I feel like it was because the front bulkhead wasnt snug against the spinner.

Author:  dan [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?

Hi Ryan, I am not an expert on mounting spinners, but I did attach my spinner at the front bulkhead.The front bulkhead was a little loose inside the spinner so I used spacers between the 2 to tighten it up and it is snug. I do metal Spinning, so I am aware of what happens the the Alum when it is spun into the shape of a spinner, It gets hardened from being worked. I would mount that spinner in such a way that it does not move at either end, and it fits both bulk heads very snug. Movement = flex, and it is this flex that starts the cracks running, it can even crack the rear bulkhead and in flight this can get messy. Make that spinner a good tight fit, secure it to both bulkheads and your troubles should go away.........Dan

Author:  Bill Williams [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?

Dan, you say you do metal spinning. I have a 1928 Nash that uses a brass carburator bowl and need a couple. I have the mandrel and brass...........interested?
Thanks Bill N30WW S-18

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?

No I did not attach the front bulkhead. :P I installed it according to the instructions and with a little guidance from Tony Benglis. He sez you can install it both ways, with foward screws or w/o. I glued a rubber chaff strip around the front bulkhead causing the spinner to have no play. In fact I need to "push" down on the spinner to line up the read bulkhead screw holes. It is a very snug fit with no play. ???

Author:  dan [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rich Brazell'sl BN-3 Spinner install method?

There it is Rich, the snug fit and no play, doubt that you will ever have any troubles. Bill how large are the parts you need, brass has to be heated as it is spun or it will work harden and crack. also what is the OD of the mandrel and the thickness of the material? Send me a picture to Dan

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