On the pole for which engine, I voted for O-320.
I bought a T-18 with an O-290G. It's converted to O-290D2, but not really.
It has an O-320 crank, updraft sump and MA4SPA. It has an O-320 gearcase as well.
But it has solid tappets. Also, the "conical mount" isn't. The mount ears are unmodified.
So I've been trying to learn about O-290 conversions. Bruce F turned me on to the 161 page study by Don Pridham.
http://www.7ts0.com/manuals/lycoming/29 ... 0-290D.pdfwhich is not very technical. It's more of a survey of practices from several of the builders of that period.
Rooting around on the net, I've found that the O-290 case can be bored to accept narrow deck O-320/O-360 cylinders, and perhaps an O-360 crank might fit with some internal clearancing.
So will this make the "Lightest O-360" ??
Also, could anyone direct me to more info on O-290G conversions? I'm finding it a pretty interesting topic. No doubt fueled by the fact that the one in my ship seems to run very well.