Thorp Air Command -

Engine Mounts
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Author:  SHIPCHIEF [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine Mounts

I'm looking at a T-18 with an O-290 D2. It's been about 8 years since it flew, and I haven't done a pre-buy inspection yet. So the engine is a possible issue.
The O-290 and O-320B2B commonly seen on T-18s use the same conical mount?
Conical mount Lycoming engines are getting a bit hard to find, so how about converting to a Dynafocal 1 if an engine upgrade is in the works?
Is there a source, or do you have to weld up your own?
Is there a source for the dynafocal 1 Mount Ring, then the home builder adds the truss assembly?
I'm no doubt getting ahead of myself, but I'm wondering.

Chris. how is your conversion from O-290G to O-360A going? What engine mount issues?
Post some more Pics???

Author:  flychris [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Mounts

It wasnt bad.... I brougt the plane home after it had been sitting for about 10 years knowing the engine made metal. First thing I did was pull the engine. It worked out good i sold it FWF with prop to someone here and he had a dyno mount he threw in as part trade. These mounts are so easy to swap out 3 bolts. I started Feb 10th and put the first 2 hrs on it yesterday, Got 3 to do today and then maybe sun n fun on thursday. The reason for the 5 hrs is bc i had to have another DAR come out and look at it. With the 360 and prop im seeing 175MPH at 23" and 2400RPM. I still have ALOT of cleaning up to do so I expect more still. GREAT flying airplane!!!!''

1st flight.JPG
1st flight.JPG [ 1.79 MiB | Viewed 4982 times ]

Author:  Bill Williams [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Mounts

Bring it on down Chris, we have sevral on the flight line now. Plan on the LCB Friday.

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