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Oil cooler, replace vs overhauling
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Author:  Marcus [ Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Oil cooler, replace vs overhauling


I'm currently running a Stewart Warner p/n 8406J oil cooler in my plane. I am experiencing great difficulty in finding a new one online. I have even researched to see if the 8406J was superseded to a different Stewart Warning p/n or even a Competitor's equivalent replacement that meets the same dimensions as the p/n 8406J cooler. I have had no luck in my search so far. If there are no new or superseded p/n to purchase I will have to turn to the option of overhauling my existing cooler. Is there a repadible FAA/PMA certified overhaul Vendor suggestion for me to go with that someone has had a good experiences with ? I'm hoping someone out there may have run into this dilemma before and can provide some assistance.


Author:  Fly [ Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil cooler, replace vs overhauling

I've used Pacific Oil Cooler in the past and was very happy with the knowledge and service they provided. Here's a link to their website. I'm sure they will be able to help you.


Author:  1albee [ Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil cooler, replace vs overhauling

I second Pacific Oil Cooler, good service. Buy new if you can, almost the same price and then you know what you are working with.

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