... -435-A.pdfUsing this parts manual, I see the O-435 is very different than an O-290 in the accessory case, the case nose and the sump. Also the exploded diagram of the crankcase shows the crankshaft thrust bearing to be a ball bearing in the nose.
The worst appears to be the rear mounted starter, which looks like the starter on my 1957 Ford tractor. Weighs a ton and would interfere with the firewall. The same for the generator. A small alternator would probably be easy, I'm scratching my head about adapting a lightweight geared automotive starter...
The oil sump is long, HUGE and a heavy wall casting.
Lots of potential to reduce great cost of man-hours and material doing it myself. Because no one could afford the time and material to hire this out. All to preserve the Conical Engine Mount

A lightweight O-540 235HP on a new engine mount would be more expedient.
Truth be told, I've been working to enhance my T-18 with it's O-290, which is low time and runs well. I just went down a mental dead end. I'll press-on with the work I have.