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 Post subject: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:14 pm
Posts: 10
My O290G has an electric fuel pump and a mechanical fuel pump. I haven't had a need for the electric pump and was considering removing it. Like to keep things simple, any opinions?, thanks

Jeff J
 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:01 pm 
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I won’t recommend one way or the other. I don’t run any fuel pumps for my O-320 powered T-18. I gravity feed from the 29 gallon fuselage tank.

Thorp T18
O-320-B3B (160 HP)
68x74 Sterba Propeller

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 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:07 am 
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My 2 cents worth. If you have no pumps like Jeff and can achieve 150% of engine demand fuel flow with minimum fuel in the tank and maximum nose up attitude attainable in flight, then go for it. If you have a mechanical pump you generally need an electric back up pump (boost pump) because if the mechanical pump fails there is enough restriction and quite an amount more plumbing that may reduce the fuel flow to below what is demanded by the engine.

I have O-320 power and have both mechanical and electric pumps.

Tony Schischka

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 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:22 am 
Jr. Member
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As stated above, I am not recommending one way or the other. That said, I am on my third T-18. None of them have had (a) fuel pump(s). No issues flying EXCEPT during a very high attitude takeoff with around a third of a tank. Engine lost power while I was showing off. Note: A fuel pump (or two) would not have made difference, IMO. What I did was unport the drain with the high nose. Fuel pump would have just pumped more air through the lines, waiting for me to lower the nose and let the blue stuff go down.
I lowered the nose to a more reasonable (normal) climb attitude, and up up and away I went.

Philip Mandel
S/N 957
Beaverton OR

 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:32 pm 
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5 cents this time ;)
In the three point attitude I can drain all but about 500ml from the tank. If tank is built to the drawings it would be very difficult to un port the outlet unless in an extremely nose up attitude. Have a look at drawing K-584 (three view) put a ruler across the bottom of the tank to the carb inlet then rotate the drawing. You will see that with only a gallon or so fuel it doesn't take too much nose up for the fuel to have to run up hill to get to the carb. If you always fly with a minimum of 1/2 tank and no high pitch angles you will probably have no problems.
As said before the choice is yours but consider what type of missions you wish to fly and configure the system to suit.

Tony Schischka

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 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:55 pm 
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2 1/2 cents. Tony, good info, however, if the ball is not centered...

Bob Highley
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James Grahn
 Post subject: Re: Electric fuel pump
PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:11 am 
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Another reason to need a pump is if the fuel vent line fitting sticks down into the tank too far like mine does. As you fuel up, the fuel can cover the vent. The fuel is usually cold going into a warm plane. As it expands, it travels into the vent and blocks it. I would taxi out, run up, and take off and get about 20 feet in the air when the motor would quit...always with my wife in the right seat. I installed ticker pump to overcome the suction from a temporarily blocked vent.

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