The O-290 I plan to buy from the chapter was, nearly as we can tell, assembled/overhauled and never run.
1. First question: is there an easy way to tell what compression pistons are in it? We think it may have higher compression pistons, but not sure. All I can tell from the boroscope is that they are flat top.
2. Am I seeing a GPU crank? Is that the reinforcing collar that we are supposed to add for GPU conversions?
I have a crank from El Reno still in the box and its flange this thicker. Does anyone know the difference in flange thickness between a regular flight crank and a GPU crank?
Even if that is a GPU crank in the engine, is it worth pulling everything apart to swap it, or just fly it with the GPU crank and be that much closer to having a running engine?
And for GPU cranks, can you still use a 4" prop extension, or is it best to bolt the prop right to the crank?
I have attached photos of the engine on the stand and the other crank.
I know, lotsa question, but thank you for any help.