Thorp Air Command -

Flight Ready
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Author:  dondday [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

For the past three months I've been battleling what I presumed was electrical issues. Continually troubleshot and traced wires until I was begining to look like wires myself.

Last week the troubleshooting finally paid off. The problem I was having was on account of gauges not being compatable with the sensors I had in the airplane and engine. Shipping them back to manufacturer for recalibration cured most issues and now ready for first flight.

First flight was supposed to occur Saturday Dec 3, but for once in our lives the weather forcasters were right in their predictions and ended up with clouds on the ground for the past four days. When you want them to be right, they're wrong and when you want them to be wrong, they're right. Oh Well. N18DD once again ready for first flight and weather permitting, we should be in the air no later than Friday with monstly sunny day and hopufully light winds.

Will report after the grand event - and event I've been getting ready for well over fifteen years.

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Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Beautilful looking ship ! Can't rush the WX ! Been there done that. Concernine the guages, I had that problem with a couple of gauges not being compatable with the senders. Trying to buy one guage and using another sendor to save a few bucks ! Not worth the time and effort. I went with the matched set and have not had any problems.

Looks like a "speed bird" and I am sure the test flight will be A-OK ! Lee would probably appreciate a detailed write up (and video) of the "happy event" for the next "Tiger Tales."


Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

I like those ground dollies for the folding wing ! Please elaborate when you have time.


Author:  bfinney [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Nice looking ship Don. I like the T18 graphic on the tail.

As far as first flight, don't rush it, wait until everything is ready.

Who made your prop?

Author:  leewwalton [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

I'm hoping I can make it up there for the big event, need a Thorp to fly chase (we can't have the fledgling imprinting on an RV on it's first flight!) ... If not for the actual flight I'll at least be there to document the post flight perma-grin!

Author:  dondday [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Thanks Rich,

It appears the weather will be in the 50s with mostly sunny skies and hoping for light winds.

Gauges - Engine gauges I bought are UMA brand and not a real saving there considering they're about $100+ ( They are 1-1/4" dia. I returned the gauges to the manufacturer for installation of resistors to prevent excessive fluctuations which I discovered during initial Green Engine Run. These gauges are made to work with UMA or VDO made sensors. When making your order must specify which type sensor will be used for properly factory calibrated gauge.

Wing craddle - As I neared the time to begin with the wings fabrication and while on a trip to Home Depot Aircraft Supply Company, I came accross one of those decorative iron support for a house porch. Since it was only one, I managed to get it for somewhere in the area of $3-$7 (can't really remember. Anyway, cut it up and managed to clamp together what I though would be good wing craddles and had a friend weld it together for me. The intent was to have them mounted on a trailer for transporting the airplane with wings folded, but also turned out to be a good assemblies holding craddles. The white rotisery holding the finished wing was actually a portable garment rack from the same aircraft supply company for a $12 price tag which I olso modified using two 1/2" x 7' long pipes at bottom and one 1/2" x 8' pipe running through lightening holes in ribs. Strong enough that I was able to completely build all three wing assemblies.

Propeller - The prop was made by Clark Lydick of Patagonia, AR who at the time was in the process of selling, training and transfering his prop making business to Frank Johnson of Donie, TX. Clank had been in the business of making props for over twenty-five years and wanted to retire. Frank did a great job at finishing it up. Once Phase I on my airplane is completed, I will be taking it back to him with numbers for leading edge caps installation and final coating and finishing.

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Author:  dondday [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

I agree with you 300% (is there such a thing) with the idea of a Thorp flying chase for a Thorp. I'm trying to get Marty Parrish to fly the chase, but don't know if he'll be able to considering just last week he was doing a condition inspection on his. He also owns an RV, but I rather have the Thorp.

I meant to include the propeller web site link for those interested in seeing more and forgot. Anyway, here it is:

Author:  leewwalton [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Yes! Make sure Marty flies his Thorp and the not RV ... we can't have that!

Author:  ljkrume [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

"Clank had been in the business of making props for over twenty-five years..."
Is that what you get when you mix up your Clarks and Franks? Just funning.

We'll be waiting to hear the good report. Congratulations.
Les Krumel

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Don - She Hoo Eye Wership saw that last panel picture and told me if she ever sees something like that in our living room, she'll cut me off.

Kudos to you and have a great first flight.

Author:  james peran [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Fraze Its time to trade her in for a new model.
i did. J.P

Author:  dondday [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready


Hate to know she'll cut anything off of you. Uou can tell her the panel was only there to pose for a shoot. It normally hung out in the garage or in the airplane.

Author:  dondday [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Flight Ready

Well Les,

It has to be some of that foreign in me coming out. Some times is Clank, others Flank and occasionally Frark.

Author:  leew [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flight Ready

I'm heading up to Granbury in the morning to document this grand event first hand!

Look for a detailed writeup in the December Tiger Tales!

Author:  Victor Thompson [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flight Ready

Don: Aircraft looks great. Have a safe flight.

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