Thorp Air Command -

I flirt with the enemy part-2....
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Author:  Pacer 20 [ Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  I flirt with the enemy part-2....

Last fall a RV-4 flip over on take-off.....
I have to fix that for the client and maybe after I have to applied a fresh coat of pain in the airframe!

I received from the Vans company the new engine mount.
I paint the mount but take 30 seconds and look closely the complexity of the engine support!!!

Our T-18 engine mount look "fragile" if I compare to the Vans parts.

Author:  James Grahn [ Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I flirt with the enemy part-2....

That's because ours was designed by an aeronautical engineer, not a bridge builder. And yes, your Thorp has a higher load and baggage capacity than your friend 9!

Author:  Pacer 20 [ Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I flirt with the enemy part-2....

Bridge builder ;D ;D ;D ;D
If I paint the engine mount in orange, I have a scale Golden Gate near Montreal!
The Thorp mount was light, strong and easy to build.

Author:  Jim Mantyla [ Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I flirt with the enemy part-2....


Look at your local Golden Gate Bridge( Champlain Bridge/RV9)!! It's been under construction continuouly for the last 25 years and is about to fall in the river. The Thorp is a true engineering marvel.

Best regards,

Jim Mantyla

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