Thorp Air Command -

N12055 SN79 IS BACK
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Author:  jtwigg [ Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  N12055 SN79 IS BACK

I first flew N12055 in February of 2019 after a 3.5 year restoration. This year, she took an 7-month hiatus starting in January for some things wanted to add after the restoration and first test flights. With those things done and the conditional behind me, I've been flying her on average every three days this month. I've posted a video of a practice landing in the Thorp T-18 Facebook group. I thought I'd post occasional updates and pictures here also about the plane and the flights we're making. For my first post, I'm including three pictures taken in the past 5 days.

File comment: N12055 practicing emergency landings at FWQ when a pop-up thunderstorm appeared at the corner of the pattern on 8/22/2020
IMG_6767.jpg [ 2.01 MiB | Viewed 4803 times ]
File comment: N12055 on a beautiful summer night after a shower.
IMG_6804(1).JPG [ 3.05 MiB | Viewed 4803 times ]
File comment: N12055 with my truck and a friend's Lamborghini. Obviously nobody knows how to park...
IMG_6796.jpg [ 2.73 MiB | Viewed 4803 times ]

Author:  pmandel [ Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: N12055 SN79 IS BACK

She's beautiful. Congrats!

Author:  jtwigg [ Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: N12055 SN79 IS BACK

Thanks Philip! I just realized that my photo above with the clouds is a lot like a picture a forum member kindly sent me of one of her sister ships! It's a really nice paint scheme and it's weird seeing it on another plane. Too bad I didn't have my wheel pants on for this picture.

By the way, the guy who owned this plane, Robert Griffin, eventually purchased my plane from the original builder. I'm not sure why, but maybe one of the forum members knows if Griffin perhaps crashed his plane or if he just liked N12055 better?

File comment: N12055
IMG_6804(2).jpg [ 1.07 MiB | Viewed 4607 times ]
File comment: Griffin's plane
griff (2).jpg
griff (2).jpg [ 27.44 KiB | Viewed 4607 times ]

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