I’m posting on behalf of Bob Koiter, in Brantford Ontario, to announce that he got his T18 flying again.
The airplane was taken out of service in 2003 for improvement. Life got in the way, but Bob persisted and he got ‘er done. She has a modern panel with a screen, many interior and exterior enhancements, and an O320 where an O290 once was. He bought one of the first ground-adjustable Whirlwind props and he is very happy with it. The paint job is stunning. His glass and carbon fibre work is top notch. I haven’t seen all of the T18s registered in Canada, but this has got to be the nicest one on this side of the border.

I will be thrilled to fly alongside this airplane. In fact it might be hard to keep up. He sees 181mph level at 2500 RPM.
Dick Wolff