I have been looking through this website for years but, this is the first time posting.
I'm interested in looking at a wide body thorp or an S-18 prior to purchasing one. And, I'm ultimately hoping to find a Thorp available for purchase.
I'm most interested in a well built "simple" aircraft i.e. carbureted Lycoming swinging a fixed pitch propeller. I live in Northern California; back in the day there were quite a few Thorps in the local area. Their numbers have declined over the years. Back in the 1980's (high school years) I would ride my bicycle to the county airport and help the guys wash their airplanes ... and got a few rides! There were a couple of beautiful Thorps in the hangars; I always admired the 'bent wing'. Here I am ... in my 50's still interested in the plane. Now, I'm particularly interested in the ability to un-bolt the wings; putting the fuselage and wings in a shipping container and ship it 1) Hawaii 2) South America..... and, Australia. Yes, it's an extremely crazy idea. But, I have rented airplanes in Hawaii and flown around the islands, rented gliders in the UK and .... light sport in Northern Italy. It was an amazing experience, well worth repeating on a larger scale.
We are living through a global pandemic; Covid-19 and associated travel restrictions make getting around more challenging. I hope to hear from someone in the California area.
Your feedback is appreciated.
Regards Bob G