Thorp Air Command -

parting out 199MP
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Author:  Henry Beamer [ Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  parting out 199MP

After over 40 years of operation and ownership, I am reluctantly looking to sell 199MP. The airframe was built by Max Pendergrast and first flew in 1974. Max was part of the group from Martin Marrietta. The airframe was not particularly well built which is why I am selling the plane for parts only. I put 1300 hours on the plane and last flew it 2 years ago. The engine is a good running 0-360 A3A (750 SMOH) with a Hartzell CS (A hub). John Thorp type 1 dynafocal engine mount, prop extension, Lang tail wheel, JPI EGT-701, and many other usable parts. Garmin 795 w/GLD39 also available. Aircraft is located at 9G3 (Akron , NY). If interested, please contact for pictures, equipment list & other records. $7500

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Author:  Rich Brazell [ Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: parting out 199MP

Sounds like you would be better off selling the entire AC for $7,500 rather than selling a part here and there and end up with a hangar housing a hand full of parts ! ::) Let me ponder this with my Uncle Jed !


Author:  Henry Beamer [ Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: parting out 199MP

That has been my plan. That's why I started with the Forum instead of Barnstormers. If I can answer any questions, it might be most efficient for you to contact me directly.

Thank you,

Hank Beamer
585 735-3341 after 10 am eastern time

Author:  Henry Beamer [ Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: parting out 199MP

The plane has been sold to a fellow Thorper

Thank you,

Hank Beamer

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