Have just about all the parts for a S-18 Sunderland folding wing. Parts were originally made by Howard Henderson in the St. Louis, MO area during the years of about 1980 to 1984. All 3 wing spars made and assembled. All wing ribs (both left and right outer wing panels plus center section) hand formed. All flight control components made and/or assembled. Linkages made, all flaps made and assembled. Have sheet metal for wing skins. Most wing parts were originally fitted and cleco'd together to check progress of work. Howard's workmanship is very good.
No drawing, builder/buyer can use any set of S-18 folding wing drawings. Have all of the form blocks used to form wing ribs.
No time or space to finish this project.
Asking $4,500 for everything.
Norman W. Pauk
npauk@msn.comphone: 253-561-4801