Thorp Air Command -

Thorp Canopy For Sale
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Author:  leewwalton [ Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Thorp Canopy For Sale

I'm posting this for a third party so please direct and inquiries to the email address below.

T-18 Canopy for sale. It is a good undrilled untrimmed canopy. It is in good condition and not scratched as far as I can tell, as the plastic protective wrap is on the outside of the canopy. I selling for $400 and I am in Central OH. Feel free to email me or call.

Thank You,
Shad Bell

NOTE: There have been a few comments regarding stored canopies getting "brittle" I recently just refitted a canopy/windsheid that was on another thorp for decades. I did not see and evidence of it being hardened or brittle. I think the trick is to not mess with the glass when it's cold out. I would not be afraid of this canopy, in fact I wish I needed one .. looks like a heck of a deal.

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