Thorp Air Command -

Oshkosh Discussion
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Author:  Lou [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

I've got rent money for five nights! ^-^

What is the scoop on the Thorp tie down spot? What to do/not do?---- My first OSH.

Author:  leewwalton [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

The Thorps will have a designated parking area .. as we get closer I will make an announcement as to where that will be.

Author:  jlevi [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

In your email you mentiuoned a mass arrival. Any details on that yet do we met somewhere else on the final leg there? I need to plan when I am going to get there. Is there anyone keeping track of those of us from the west coast so maybe we can meet somewhere along he way? My first Oshkosh as well.

Author:  Lou [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Whodat, I didn't know there was a T in Fallbrook. The socal bunch is an anti social bunch, or maybe I smell. Come to think about it Renee always wants to fly with the window down. ;D

At this point I am a one ship and the “plan is to make it in one day, leaving from WJF on Saturday 27th.

From SoCal: Rich

Author:  jlevi [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

I am not that far from you, but I was planning to take Friday off and make it in 2 steps. I was looking for some info on the mass arrival beacause that sounded good for a first timer to Oshkosh. The route I was looking at was east passed Albuquerque NM then up.

Author:  Bill Williams [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

All first time Thorps have to park in the North 40 with the RV's. As for mass arrival, get there late in the day and the Ripon approach can be a mass arrival. Just kidding about the parking with the RV's. You have three runways, two 180/360 and 9/27 and all have colored dots on them. The controllers will request which dot you land on. At times there can be as many as 9 planes landing. Get a copy of the notams and study them. Getting into Oshkosh is easy if you follow the controllers. If you are not use to having a bunch of airplanes around you ,it can be exciting.
It is a different experience ...................

Author:  Lou [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Good info Bill, I’ll be hitting the NOTAMS soon. Sounds like an early short flight on day two might be better than at the end of a long hard one. Did I say that?

Jon, last year our trip to MO., through Albuquerque worked well. We will probably take the same route. It also happens to include a gas stop at Miami co. airport Kansas which, as a complete coincidence has We Be Smokin BBQ restaurant on the ramp!

We should get together sometime.

Author:  Bill Williams [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Bob and I spend the night in Chicago, get up the next morning and hit Ripon around 9/930, We are fresh, alert and had a good nights sleep. This works best for us.

Author:  leewwalton [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Thanks for the reminder. I need to contact the powers that be and find what the status on that is. Typically "mass arrivals" happen on Saturday, I'm not sure whether we can all coordinate to arrive at the same time or not. As Bill pointed out the arrival at OSH is a piece of cake as long as you study the procedure, listen to the controllers and keep your eyes open for those that have not.

At this point I can guarantee we will have signs that say something along the lines of "I'm a T-18! I want to park on row __" so the ground crews know where to park us. There's always safety in numbers so if you can rally with some of the west coast guys before heading in, you'lll find 3 or 4 simliar aircraft in trail can enter the arrival a lot easier than one. Either way don't sweat it, it's actually a lot of fun!

Author:  jlevi [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Based on this information, I will plan to leave on Friday the 27th an to arrive on the 28th. Lou do you know what your first fuel stop would be? Maybe we can meet up there and continue together. Maybe we can get some more as well.

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

FYI - the Cherokee mass arrival is Friday, the Bonanza, Cessna and Mooney mass arrivals are all on Saturday.

Homey, RB, Cubes, moi, and perhaps an RV straggler or two are all planning on a church day arrival and looking forward to "drinkin some wine, eatin some cheeze, an soakin up some rays, baby".

Author:  Bill Williams [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

This is WISCONSIN, they drink beer and eat cheese curds. The fresh curds squeak in your mouth. Fraz, practice your roller skating as they have two ice joints that still serve you on roller skates. The girls wear short skirts and you would fit in with the kilt.

Author:  Fraser MacPhee [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

It's gonna take a helluva lot of beer for me to roller skate on an ice rink.......besides, the kilt got sold a while back......Darcy said it was a bit too short, and we live too close to the prison.

Author:  mattst18 [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

Now that is funny!!!!

Author:  Rich Brazell [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oshkosh Discussion

I thought you worked at the Women's Prison as a fashion consultant ? :o Cheese Whiz maybe , cheese curd I'll save for the return trip home and feed it to my rattle snakes ! Actually an ice rink in all that heat , humidity and bugs might not be a bad idea ! 8) Don't have to skate , just eat and drink at the place and enjoy the cool air and the view of the girls in skirts ! :-*


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